Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Letter to the Park Record

In support of Chris Robinson:

I would like to publically support Chris Robinson for County Council Seat “D.” Chris will bring a wealth of experience, talents, and enthusiasm to this office. He’s a hardworking team builder and is skilled at making connections with people, and in getting them involved and working together. These talents will be helpful as Summit County implements a new form of government with this election.

Summit County is challenged with trying to balance the needs of many seemingly opposing interests and Chris offers a uniquely qualified perspective on these issues. He himself is an expert land manager, cattle rancher, businessman, and developer. He also has considerable experience from his work with the Nature Conservancy of Utah. I can’t think of a better qualified person to help the county balance these issues to the benefit of everyone. Moreover he has a keen analytic mind with a disposition of forward thinking and a history of problem solving.

Chris is likeable and approachable. I think Chris remembers everyone he’s ever met. He can shake your hand, ask your name and in a few minutes connect you with half a dozen friends and relations you both have in common. He listens and is concerned and he’ll remember you the next time he sees you.

Chris will serve well and represent all of Summit County effectively and fairly.


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